Friday, December 12, 2014

I Feel Like Chicken Tonight!

As I sat and pondered what I wanted to title this post this was the title that came to mind.  My thoughts went to sayings like; “You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar”, “Why put off for tomorrow what you can do today?” and my experience of getting more likes on Facebook with topics on Food vs. Fear!

Chicken“I feel like chicken tonight” is simply my way of easing us into the reality that in so many cases we take on the role of the “chicken!”  We allow fear to paralyze us and stop us from doing the things we know we need to and very well should be doing.
Fear seems to find its’ way into every aspect of our lives if we allow it! Fear can stop us from confronting someone who has mishandled us in our lives by speaking up for ourselves to stepping out on faith and making life changing, life altering decisions!  If we continue to put these things off, they only tend to compound, get worse, or become farther from our reach.

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real!

We tend to use excuses such as, I just don’t have the time or the money, and my favorite, what if it doesn't work out?  Here’s a couple of questions for that:
  • What if it does work out?
  • If it doesn't, what’s the worst that can happen?
  • How is your present condition working out for you?
imaginationA friend of mine often says, “What we consider reality is just a piece of our possibility!” (BSG)  So, what’s possible for you?
Time has taught me that we tend to regret more the things we don’t do than the things we do.  My recommendation is to assess your situation and ask yourself the questions above.  It your answers point to a better situation, then my question is how long will you continue to be the chicken served up on the platter of life?  Just because you have all the trimmings and the table is nicely set does not mean that you should be the main course!
It’s never too late to change your appetite or the menu you prepare for your life!  So, take a chance. There is nothing to fear except fear itself!