Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Will You Choose?

It is better to follow the voice within and be at war with the whole world than to follow the ways of the world and be at war with yourself! ~Michael Pastore

With so many decisions to make about life, I never want o make one that causes inner confusion.  The decisions we make are formed in our hearts and minds or both.  They are based on our past, what we believe, our values and our collective consciousness that is ingrained in our DNA. What we see in our lives today is the picture our decisions created on yesterday!
“You cannot make a mistake!”  When making decisions, we choose what we believe to be the best possible choice at any given time.  If this is how we decide, then the notion that we can not make a mistake rings true.
With this new information, we have more freedom to follow our heart and mind when making decisions.  This empowers us to make choices that are best for us, based on us and not the opinions of others! You choose!#sowhichbattlewillyoufight? 

Coach Ollie Anderson, ELI-MP
Published Author, Poet
Transformational Living Expert

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