Saturday, November 1, 2014

If You Were God...

If YOU were God...

Could I be transparent and open, tell you how I really feel?
Would you care to listen and allow my heart to heal?

Would you take the time to really understand?
Would you be there for me and take my hand?

When times were hard and I wanted to give in
Would you embrace me or tell me that I have sinned?

Could I count on you to be a friend 
And to be there for me until the very end?

Would you leave when my actions were contrary
And leave me in a state of being afraid and weary?

When I am lonely could I get you to stay
Or would you say you're busy and just walk away?

When I hollered and screamed, cussed and cried,
would you be patient or say, "punishment justified?"

How would you treat me if you saw me at  my worst?
Would you condemn me to hell and say that I'm cursed?

Would you ever have enough compassion to love me through it all
Or would you ask me never again to call?

I know you'd like to think you would take the high road but the truth is that in our humanity we all get tired, we all get weak.  Everybody needs somebody but no one likes to be needed by everyone! That being said, I'm glad you're not God and I'm even more ecstatic that neither am I!

We are not God but we can exhibit compassion, love, tenderness, understanding and support.  There's always someone who is worse off than you and no matter what you have done in your past, it's what you do with your future that matters! And if no one has said these words to you lately or ever before, I love you and pray you learn to live A Great Life 2Day!

With the holidays quickly approaching for the next few weeks my posts will include poetry, gift ideas, offers anecdotes,etc. anything that might brighten up someone's day. I hope this helped with some self reflection and makes your day A Great Day 2Day!

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