Friday, February 20, 2015

Does Your Love Have Conditions?

February, though the shortest month of the year, it packs a huge bag and brings quite a bit with it.  February is the month that we celebrate Black History month. Other things take place, like the Oscars and other award shows.  There's a lot that takes place and keeps us busy during this short month.  However, even with all of the extra curricular activities that capture our attention, Valentine's day seems to make February the month of love.   Everyone is talking about it, they find it, they celebrate it.  Love seems to be the order of the day!
Now, idownload (2) - Copy - Copyf you've ever been to church, near a church or even read about a church, you have probably heard someone mention Agape`. Agape`is defined as unconditional love or the God kind of love.  It's love with no strings attached or simply said, no conditions.  
I recently had a conversation with a friend who shared with me some thoughts from a sermon he had heard. In this dissertation it was stated that in our finite, human minds, unconditional love does not exist. ( I paraphrase, but I do not deviate).  That we do not have the capacity to love unconditionally because we have limits as to how much pain, disappointment, etc. we are willing to accept from another individual.
This leads me to believe that it is not our capacity to love unconditionally,hurting people4 but our capacity to understand what love really is that makes unconditional love seem so out of reach.  Loving someone unconditionally is not synonymous with continually being in a position of being mistreated, misused or abused. Unconditional love says "I love you because of not necessarily in spite."  God loves us because he is love, not in spite of the fact that we are sometimes, unlovable.  
His gift of unconditional love is one I can accept or reject.  If I accept it, it comes with benefits. If I reject it, it comes with consequences.  What do I mean by that? Well, I'm glad you asked! God's love allows the sun to shine on those who are just as well as those who are unjust. This is just one benefit.  There are no conditions to how much he loves us all.  However, if I reject that love, the consequence of hell is real.  Now, would a loving God send me to hell, no, but by rejecting him I can choose hell for myself.  This means God is not obligated to take me into his Heavenly home nor treat me to the added benefits that accompany accepting his gift of love.
In the same manner, if I love someone and they reject that love, I don't stop loving them, however, their choice gains them the consequence of not being allowed in my "house," my inner court, my inner circle.  They forfeit their right to partake in the things that people who accept my love freely enjoy.  
So, does my love have conditions?  No, but it does have benefits and consequences! Love you!

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