Friday, June 14, 2013

You - Your Most Valuable Commodity!

Quote of the day: "When you value yourself, the world follows suit!" ~ Lisa Nichols #what'sinyourwallet?

Have you ever stopped to think about your value?  If you were worth gold how much would that be? Would inflation drive your value down or would you be a rising force within the world you live in?
We often fail to see how valuable we are to ourselves and others!  People attempt to commit suicide because they don't see the value in their lives.  The truth of the matter is this, we are all valuable and have a place in the world! We are all unique and no one can be you, but YOU!
There's a song by Hezekiah Walker that says, "I need you to survive!" For me, that means that in order for me to survive, you have to survive as well.  It also means, that I have a need, a want and a desire you to make it, to survive! If you survive, I gain strength.
If we are all aware that we need each other and that we have a strong inner need for them to make it, the world would be more kind, loving and compassionate place to inhabit!
So, what's in your life's wallet? What do you think you're really worth?  Well, take that and multiply it by a million because you're worth that and much more to me! I NEED YOU TO SURVIVE!
Contact me for your FREE Guide to survival!

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