Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Measure of Success!

“True success lies not in just being yourself or doing the best you can but knowing the two are the same!” ~ Bruce Schnieder

How do you define success?  Years ago my church had a theme, “This is the Year that I Do Well!”  This was a year of great challenges for me.  My business was suffering, I had gotten divorced, I was in the midst of losing my home and my car had already been repossessed!  ”This is the Year that I Do Well,” was not a part of my conversation.

To add insult to injury, I was chosen to speak on the theme for the church banquet.  I began to seek God as to what an unsuccessful person would tell people who were doing well about how to do well.

As I sought for an answer, God brought to my attention that my focus was all wrong.  I had a view of what success was that clearly did  not line up with my life or my beliefs.  There are thousands of people who are married, have careers, homes and cars and are public successes but private failures!  I learned that year that though it may appear on the outside that I was unsuccessful, i was a success in doing God’s will for my life!  I still helped people who were less fortunate.  I was available when needed by the church or others.  I prayed for people, and helped in any manner I could.  I was obedient to the call on my life and therefore, very successful!  I was not only being myself, but definitely doing the best I could.

If this is how you measure success, then kudos to you.  You are SUCCESSFUL!

Let's talk about your view of success! Contact me at the link below.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Set A Good Example

You are the first example of how the world gets to treat you! ~Lisa Nichols #showmehowtoloveyou!
Have you ever wished people would treat you better?  Ever thought to yourself, “I don’t deserve to be treated this way?” Or, “Why don’t people treat me the way I treat them!”  Has it ever occurred to you that you treat others better than you treat yourself?
And no, you don’t deserve to be treated that way!  However, the world takes its’ cue from us!  If you said yes to any of the questions above, I dare say,“RAISE THE BAR!”  What value have you placed on you, your time, your love and your life?
You have devalued yourself much too long! It’s time to reclaim the essence of who you are! Remember, people can only do to us what we allow.  There is a way to speak the truth in love and the first conversation you must have is with yourself!
Tell yourself, ” I am valuable! I am a blessing to the universe and anyone I come in contact with. The world is a better place because I am here!” Set a good example so the world to takes note!
If you want help being the best you you can be, contact me at the email address below for a FREE Life Purpose Coaching experience!
Your Life Purpose Expert

Monday, July 8, 2013

If You're Looking For Someone to Help You!

If You're Looking For Someone to Help You!

If you’re looking for someone to help you navigate the road to finding the perfect job, preparing you for the love of your life, develop your relationship into what you desire, getting fit, connecting spiritually, or just getting ready to encounter the next exciting phase in life, you’ve come to the right place! Connect with me at Ollie.anderson@agreatlife2day.com for a complimentary consultation. Life will never be the same!
I am a highly trained professional with a skill set to coach effectively on any aspect of life with a passion for the following areas: Relationship Intimacy & Conflict and Spiritual Coaching. Transition expert, experienced public andmotivational speaker, poet, published author. My goal is for all I come into a coaching relationship with to experience an optimal level of living!
In the mean time check out my e-book.  It’s a compilation of songs and poems that will titillate the mind and capture your heart and soul and give you strength to make it through some of life’s most trying times!  Follow the link below!

Monday, July 1, 2013

If You're Looking For Someone to Help You!

If you’re looking for someone to help you navigate the road to finding the perfect job, preparing you for the love of your life, develop your relationship into what you desire, getting fit, connecting spiritually, or just getting ready to encounter the next exciting phase in life, you’ve come to the right place! Connect with me at Ollie.anderson@agreatlife2day.com for a complimentary consultation. Life will never be the same!
I am a highly trained professional with a skill set to coach effectively on any aspect of life with a passion for the following areas: Relationship Intimacy & Conflict and Spiritual Coaching. Transition expert, experienced public andmotivational speaker, poet, published author. My goal is for all I come into a coaching relationship with to experience an optimal level of living!
In the mean time check out my e-book.  It’s a compilation of songs and poems that will titillate the mind and capture your heart and soul and give you strength to make it through some of life’s most trying times!  Follow the link below!