Friday, July 12, 2013

Set A Good Example

You are the first example of how the world gets to treat you! ~Lisa Nichols #showmehowtoloveyou!
Have you ever wished people would treat you better?  Ever thought to yourself, “I don’t deserve to be treated this way?” Or, “Why don’t people treat me the way I treat them!”  Has it ever occurred to you that you treat others better than you treat yourself?
And no, you don’t deserve to be treated that way!  However, the world takes its’ cue from us!  If you said yes to any of the questions above, I dare say,“RAISE THE BAR!”  What value have you placed on you, your time, your love and your life?
You have devalued yourself much too long! It’s time to reclaim the essence of who you are! Remember, people can only do to us what we allow.  There is a way to speak the truth in love and the first conversation you must have is with yourself!
Tell yourself, ” I am valuable! I am a blessing to the universe and anyone I come in contact with. The world is a better place because I am here!” Set a good example so the world to takes note!
If you want help being the best you you can be, contact me at the email address below for a FREE Life Purpose Coaching experience!
Your Life Purpose Expert

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