Thursday, September 26, 2013

Can I Be Heard?

This blog was written by a close friend who allowed me to share this. I thought it was so powerful that everyone should be able to enjoy it!
Can I Be Heard? By Fadia Abdouni
August 28th, 2013
One of the most impactful statements I heard growing up was ” A woman is to be seen but not heard… A lady doesn’t express her opinion in public, especially if it contradicts what others are thinking”. I have always been a very sensitive and deep person, even as a child, my perceptions were broader than average but I didn’t feel I had the platform to be myself. I was shy and tried to be a wallflower as much as I could. I loved to read and all things that made me think about the Universe, its power and magic.
It was in the realm of knowledge that I thrived, being the studious one, the straight A student. It was the identity I created. And on this platform I pursued studies and pushed myself to excel. I wrote poetry as an outlet to what I had to say, they were for my eyes only, after all, who wanted to hear what I had to say? During my teens, as the duck turns into swan, the outside world perceptions about me changed, I was seen and much more seen than I wanted to. “You are pretty!” , “Thank you! Do you want to hear what I have to say?”. Now, I am a young woman: how do you want me to get married and share my life with another man if I don’t know who I am, I haven’t seen the world yet?? No, you can’t say that, but you can say I want to study more!
DSCN2714Moved to another country, yet another culture and ventured into a field where women are not welcomed. I’ve been told that many times during my training: I was not smart enough or good enough, none of it truth…. but I heard it and didn’t speak… instead I was told I had to be strong! How is a woman strong? Be like a man, think like a man! No sleep, no feelings, thick skin… be aggressive! “You didn’t pass the oral test because you wore a red shirt and a string of pearls, you have to be conservative, mute, don’t remind them you are a woman!”
Frankly, I am tired and done with these paradigms. I am done with the story of my life! I am a woman, and I have feelings, I am passionate and I will express myself! I don’t need to look and act like a man to be respected and heard! I will wear my feminine clothes, high heels and jewelry and be the girly girl that is in my nature and not feel like I am less than for choosing that. I will speak my truth every time I feel that I need to be heard, even if it means to loose the job, the friend, the love (or attention) of a man.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

It’s All Good!

I've found that the best remedy is to just give yourself permission to feel that moment.  The stress and the struggle come in when you try and convince yourself that you’re in a bad place and you need to move on.
The truth is, though you shouldn't park and turn the car off,
you can take the scenic route
no parking1
to your feelings!
hitch hiker Explore them, feel them and THEN let them go!  It was a part of your past.  It is a part of who you are but it doesn't have to accompany you to your destiny!  You can let it hitch hike, but determine how far you’re going to take it before you let it ride.  It’s all good!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Healing the Hurt… The Road to Recovery!

The pain you’re experiencing has you overwhelmed and making it hard to focus on anything else?
Join me for the Teleseminar that will help you start healing the hurt!
Healing the Hurt! The Key to Recovery….
Beside the benefit of healing the hurt, the Teleseminar is FREE!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:00 PM CST Click HERE to register!