Friday, December 12, 2014

I Feel Like Chicken Tonight!

As I sat and pondered what I wanted to title this post this was the title that came to mind.  My thoughts went to sayings like; “You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar”, “Why put off for tomorrow what you can do today?” and my experience of getting more likes on Facebook with topics on Food vs. Fear!

Chicken“I feel like chicken tonight” is simply my way of easing us into the reality that in so many cases we take on the role of the “chicken!”  We allow fear to paralyze us and stop us from doing the things we know we need to and very well should be doing.
Fear seems to find its’ way into every aspect of our lives if we allow it! Fear can stop us from confronting someone who has mishandled us in our lives by speaking up for ourselves to stepping out on faith and making life changing, life altering decisions!  If we continue to put these things off, they only tend to compound, get worse, or become farther from our reach.

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real!

We tend to use excuses such as, I just don’t have the time or the money, and my favorite, what if it doesn't work out?  Here’s a couple of questions for that:
  • What if it does work out?
  • If it doesn't, what’s the worst that can happen?
  • How is your present condition working out for you?
imaginationA friend of mine often says, “What we consider reality is just a piece of our possibility!” (BSG)  So, what’s possible for you?
Time has taught me that we tend to regret more the things we don’t do than the things we do.  My recommendation is to assess your situation and ask yourself the questions above.  It your answers point to a better situation, then my question is how long will you continue to be the chicken served up on the platter of life?  Just because you have all the trimmings and the table is nicely set does not mean that you should be the main course!
It’s never too late to change your appetite or the menu you prepare for your life!  So, take a chance. There is nothing to fear except fear itself!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Day "The Pinch" Stole Thanksgiving

Over the years our idea of Thanksgiving has evolved has evolved into something that is far different than it was when I was a child.  My greatest fear now, is that by the time my grandchildren are old enough to hold their own Thanksgiving celebrations, that there will be no giving of thanks! If something is not done to keep some of our tradition in tact, I'm afraid Thanksgiving will soon be a thing of the past!
The Thanksgiving celebration, as we know it, were days the Pilgrims celebrated as part of their religion. These celebrations were days of prayer, not days of eating turkey and stuffing their faces (no pun intended). Our national holiday really began from the feast held in the fall of 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag as they celebrated the colony's first successful harvest.
For me, Thanksgiving was a day you spent with family and friends enjoying one another's company. This was the one day you were allowed to eat too much, sleep it off and wake up and eat some more. As I got older, we started spending the mornings in church to give thanks to God then we came home to eat too much! I'm sure some of you remember great dinners, football games, flag football and just sitting around laughing and having a good time.  
Then, there was the day after Thanksgiving! This was the day we rearranged the furniture, put up the tree and hung the Christmas lights and stockings!  We at left over turkey and ham sandwiches, finished off the deserts and watched Christmas themed movies.  My favorites were Miracle on 34th Street and Santa Clause Is Coming to Town! But something happened.  Instead of hanging Christmas decorations, we somehow found ourselves in store lines at 3 AM trying to catch the latest, greatest sale. We fought our way through crowds, stood in the cold, walked around all day just to get that bargain item that we know was limited in quantity. We called it Black Friday!  

The term “Black Friday” began back in the 1960's to commemorate the start of the Christmas shopping season. “Black” refers to stores moving from the “red” to the “black,”  as our impulse spending and the need to "pinch pennies" caused them to turn great profits.  However, "Black Friday" didn't began with such "pleasantries."   The term Black was used to mark catastrophe and crisis such as the stock market collapse in 1869. Black Friday really began with a disgruntle police officer in Philadelphia who hated the crowds in the streets honoring festivals and sports activities the day after Thanksgiving. He started the term in hopes that people would be discouraged and stay at home.  As we can see, that really didn't work!

My fear now is that the stores are not just opening on Black Friday but they are now opening on the evening of Thanksgiving.  Surely there will be some of us who just can't miss that "great sale" who will cut our time short with our families to participate.  Shopping is now available online all day on Thanksgiving, wow! Don't burn the turkey!
Though I have an online store and would love for everyone to shop on that site, my greatest hope is that Thanksgiving won't be the day you do it. Don't let the "Pinch" steal your family's Thanksgiving. I know over the years times have changed and things have evolved but I employ you to hold on to some tradition.  Don't make Thanksgiving a thing of the past! Continue to make Thanksgiving a time of giving thanks to God and sharing valuable time with family.  After all, anything you can buy them for Christmas could never replace time spent with them right now! (pun intended!) HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Dr. Ollie Anderson
Contact me:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Make This Birthday A Special One!

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if 
you make a purchase after clicking on my links

I shared in an earlier post that I would be sharing information 
during the holiday season that will put a smile on someone's face.
If football and children's parties are your thing, well, it's your turn 
to SMILE! 

                       Football-Themed Party Ideas by Birthday ExpressBirthday Express Dress-Up Promo

We're in the middle of football season, so there's no better time to throw a football-themed party for your child's birthday! Your guests will get a kick out of your decorations, party food and activities. With the help of football party supplies from Birthday Express, you can score the winning touchdown at your next party.

Food & Drink Ideas - The possibilities for party food are endless and you don't have to spend hours in the kitchen. Just serve all of your child's favorite party treats. Set out buckets of chips, popcorn, and pretzels. Or choose single-serve bags for even more ease. Make mini sandwiches as the main course or order pizza. For beverages, you can choose single-serve bottles and cans, or use economical large bottles. You can serve drinks in fun football cups from Birthday Express. For the ultimate cake, consider a football-shaped confection. Your party guests will love it.

Party Activities - Kids can have lots of fun with a football pinata. Instead of playing hot potato, play hot football! Ask kids to stand in a circle and pass around a football as music plays. When the music stops, the child holding the football is out. Continue until there's only one child left - the winner! If the weather's warm enough, try an outdoor game. Have an adult hold up two hoola hoops, and kids take turns throwing a soft football through them. Whoever scores the most goals wins!

Party Decor - There are endless ways to bring football to the table. At Birthday Express, you can find football themed napkins, plates, and cups with fun graphics. Decorate with a personalized banner and set the table with a football centerpiece. To bring your child's favorite team to the party, select solid-colored napkins, plates and cups in the team's colors.
Football Game Time Party in a Box - Deluxe - 16 Guests Football Pinata Football Fun Personalized Photo Banner

Saturday, November 1, 2014

If You Were God...

If YOU were God...

Could I be transparent and open, tell you how I really feel?
Would you care to listen and allow my heart to heal?

Would you take the time to really understand?
Would you be there for me and take my hand?

When times were hard and I wanted to give in
Would you embrace me or tell me that I have sinned?

Could I count on you to be a friend 
And to be there for me until the very end?

Would you leave when my actions were contrary
And leave me in a state of being afraid and weary?

When I am lonely could I get you to stay
Or would you say you're busy and just walk away?

When I hollered and screamed, cussed and cried,
would you be patient or say, "punishment justified?"

How would you treat me if you saw me at  my worst?
Would you condemn me to hell and say that I'm cursed?

Would you ever have enough compassion to love me through it all
Or would you ask me never again to call?

I know you'd like to think you would take the high road but the truth is that in our humanity we all get tired, we all get weak.  Everybody needs somebody but no one likes to be needed by everyone! That being said, I'm glad you're not God and I'm even more ecstatic that neither am I!

We are not God but we can exhibit compassion, love, tenderness, understanding and support.  There's always someone who is worse off than you and no matter what you have done in your past, it's what you do with your future that matters! And if no one has said these words to you lately or ever before, I love you and pray you learn to live A Great Life 2Day!

With the holidays quickly approaching for the next few weeks my posts will include poetry, gift ideas, offers anecdotes,etc. anything that might brighten up someone's day. I hope this helped with some self reflection and makes your day A Great Day 2Day!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Birthday Express WWE Live Event Giveaway!

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links

You or your child have a birthday coming up soon? Looking for something special to do? Here's your chance to win 4 FREE tickets to a live WWE event sponsored by Birthday Express!

  Birthday Express WWE Live Event Giveaway

Birthday Express WWE Live Event Ticket Giveaway

You can win a family 4-pack of tickets to a WWE live event from Birthday Express. Visit the giveaway's Facebook page to enter. You can enter each day from now until November 9th for a chance to win.
World Wrestling Entertainment has entertained children and adults for generations. That's why a WWE-themed party will be a hit with your future World Heavyweight Champion. But, planning your child's birthday party shouldn't be as painful as the Royal Rumble. With a WWE party in a box, favors and balloons from Birthday Express your child will feel like the world's most popular wrestling star. When your child feels like a star, you'll feel like a champion yourself!

WWE Party in a Box

WWE Party Favor Box

WWE Latex Balloons


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Who Cares For YOU?

As women, we are natural caregivers, nurtures by design. It’s simply our DNA. We tend to give and give and GIVE until we have nothing left for ourselves or others. Many of us suffer from burnout. We deal with symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, drug and alcohol abuse, just to name a few. We are fatigued, worn down and just plain worn out. Most of us wear that invisible S on our chest, not because we want to but oft-times because we have to.  We have so many roles; mother, wife, sister, lover, friend, chauffeur, planner, bread-winner, corporate executive, housekeeper, cook, and the list goes on and on.
But what happens when life gets in the way of living? What do you do when mole hills actually turn into mountains that seem insurmountable? Who do you turn to when life becomes overwhelming and you just don’t know what to do? How do you deal with the cares of life when it seems that you’re out of options and there’s no answer in sight? Who cares for you?

There are those of us who are able to pull away and get some much-needed rest. We take mini vacations or take a spa day. Some of us rely upon our faith and are refueled that way. Then there are those of us who snap. We take our frustrations out on everyone around us or whomever happens to be near us at the time we have simply had ENOUGH! There are others who feel so overwhelmed that they consider leaving or even worse, committing suicide which is not the option a person in their right frame of mind chooses.

All of the options above, not including suicide, may be viable options. However, might I suggest that any of them, at any time may not prove to be enough to actually help you get back to enjoying life?
We are givers and we want to give to anyone who might need, ask or even indicate that they need our help. Listen closely, I’m not trying to be harsh, but we must understand that though this is an admirable trait to have, it’s not very intelligent! We should give to others from our overflow, not what we have left but the extra, the over and above. The greatest reason being if you are too tired to help yourself, you can’t really effectively help anyone else. Self-care is not a selfish act. It’s really quite the opposite.

A wonderful colleague and peer coach of mine, Ms. Lisa Nichols, says it like this, “You have to learn to say NO. No is a complete sentence that does not require any explanation.” She further goes on to say that exercising your “no” increases the value of your “yes!” In other words, you don’t have to say yes to every request. When you have the confidence to say no when appropriate, people will value your time and your service more when you do say yes. 

We also have to learn how to delegate responsibilities whenever possible. We really don’t have to do EVERYTHING! Others may not do it the way we do, but surely there is someone who can get the job done. Delegating a task doesn’t indicate that you are lazy or don’t have a handle on things. It says that you are intelligent, you know your boundaries and you have a great sense of control because you trust in the ability of someone else. Will it always work out, maybe not, but it will work out enough for you to put things into perspective and have some time to enjoy life!

We have to learn our value as women!  Your main job is to care for you. Even Scripture tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. So, unless I value me, unless I love me, unless I care for me, how can I value, love and care for anyone else?

The act of valuing, caring and loving one’s self also includes being able to ask for help whenever it is needed. There is no shame in needing assistance or support. The shame is in needing it and not asking for it? There are many options available. Take advantage of opportunities right in front of you and find the ones whose availability isn't quite so obvious. Consider a Life Coach, Therapist, Friend, Minister. Just reach out. Getting help doesn't mean that you are helpless, it means you know when the tide is high and refuse to keep swimming alone.
So, to answer the question we posed above: Who Cares for YOU? The answer is simple. YOU DO!

Ollie Anderson began to pen her life’s journey as a form of healing and inspiration for herself. As she chronicled these experiences, through song, poetry and narratives of life events, she discovered her purpose. The joy of sharing her expression of love, life, tragedy and triumph, inspired Ollie to follow her dream of becoming an author and Life Purpose Coach. As a Life Coach she uses the wisdom of life lessons, her intuitive spirit, experience and extensive education to help others succeed in their lives and follow their dreams. Her main goal is to liberate others and support them in their endeavor to live optimal lives. She also desires to die empty by releasing to others everything that God has liberally poured into her. Ollie’s books are FORGIVEN The Cost of the Oil and All Is Well In My World.  Both are available on  her site, and
Ollie Anderson, CPC, ELI-MP
Transformational Life Coach
Author, Poet

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Power of Imagination

                                                       The Power of ImaginationI

Ideally, the imagination is defined as the faculty of imagining or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses. The faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality. A concept or mental creation, the ability to face and resolve difficulties; resourcefulness.

I like to define it as an open window to the soul that allows in the fresh air of creativity, vitality, self awareness and harnesses growth and development.  It is where God drops possibility into what we call reality.

What if you could close your eyes and sleep and when you wake up everything in your life was just as you imagined it to be.  What would have taken place through the night? What does it look like? How does it feel?

Well, if you can imagine it, then it is possible! If you really want it God and creation will help you obtain it. Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality ~ James Cameron
So, what's the game plan? It's the bottom of the ninth, you have 2 outs and 2 strikes against you but you also have the bases loaded. But, guess what? It's your game, your rules, play for however long you'd like and no matter how many times you have struck out, you always come up to bat again!
imagination 2  You have to ability to define and redefine, imagine and re-imagine your life, your business, your relationships and every other area of your life. If there's an area you'd like to see change in, work from the end backward.  What do I mean by that? Well, I'm glad you asked!  Imagine the end result and then devise your plan to get there. Redefine as often as needed to keep you on track. Remember to enjoy the journey not just the destination.  Give yourself permission to see the sights along the way, who knows where your inspiration or answers may come from. I remember contemplating whether or not I should allow a young lady to come stay in my home. She needed help and though I didn't have the space, I had a heart to support her in life.  As I was driving down the road, I saw a license plate with her name on it and the number 8 which I know denotes new beginnings.  It was a "sign" to me to help her get a new beginning. God will send us signs and signals where ever we are open enough to receive them.
With so many people committing suicide from being overwhelmed with life, I wonder how many of us really utilize our God given tools such as our imagination. Tomorrow can be a better, brighter day if we just tap into ability to recreate our atmosphere. Life is the greatest gift we could have ever been given and it can be great with just a stretch of our imagination!
download (3) - CopyYou can have a wonderful life, a powerful love, great relationships, thriving business anything your heart desires. Now, take some time and IMAGINE THAT!

If you choose to take the path of redirection through imagination, I'd love to support you in this endeavor using my 25+ years of experience helping others make the small shifts in life that yield huge results!
Contact me at:
Visit my websites: and

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Every Journey Begins With A Single Step!

The path to life has many twist and turns.  The road we travel starts at birth and doesn't end until we bid this life farewell. This road is accessed for work as well as play. If you don't know where you're going, any road will lead you there!
There are times when  we know exactly where we are going and how long it will take to get there.  Trips like these are the easy strides in life, the state of mind that says "I know where I am going, what I want and exactly how to get it !"
Other times along life'imagess journey we may experience road blocks, construction or other detours along the way.   There may be signs, however, sometimes we miss them and have to go further up the road only to have to turn around and come back. If we fail to turn around we could find ourselves lost and out of GPS range.   Those small detours can sometimes set us back significantly on our journey.
As mentioned earlier, there are times we access this road for the purpose of vacation, fun or business. When life takes us on a trip of pleasure, feeling the wind blow through our hair on the open road on our trip to explore the joys of life is indescribable.  What we fail to remember is that we can have that feeling no matter where it is in life we're headed.
Whether I'm on the road to relationships or business and there's a few potholes along the way, this shouldn't discount the joy along the rest of the trip.Family
When we learn that life offers neither good or bad, right or wrong (as judgments) but only opportunities, we tend to see each trip differently!
As a Christian AuthoA guide to lover and Life Coach, my assignment is to help you navigate through the roads of life and if we can't avoid some of the pit falls, at least we can either anticipate them, maneuver around them or at least make the fall a little less painful.  I write books to help those who desire help reach and obtain their goals in relationships, spiritual growth and development, career shifts, healthy eating and exercise just to name a few.
My goal is to die empty of all that God pours into me to help make sure his people live! Pick up one of my books today, read a blog or connect with me as your life coach and watch life change for the better!
Follow my blogs at:
Visit my websites:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014


 An Excerpt from FORGIVEN Chapter 9 "INSPIRED"

Inspiration is a stimulus, encouragement or motivation that helps one to create something new. Inspiration can take on many forms. It can come from anywhere, at any place and at any time. I soon learned that I could obtain inspiration from anything and everything. I could be inspired by life and death, by love and hate, through television and real life, by children as well as adults, by success and failure, by misfortune and by triumph.

It was time to create a new life for myself and those connected to me. How was I going to do that? Looking at, what I considered my reality, my present state would not afford me the ability to create something new. 

Monday, April 7, 2014


That's what's being said about my new book FORGIVEN. Inspirational, intriguing, thought provoking, encouraging and powerful! You can get your copy today.  Just click here!

Monday, March 17, 2014


Come out and join me as I celebrate my destiny and touch the world with a piece of me!

FORGIVEN debuts Saturday March 29th 5-9PM at Bar Louie's 5500 South Shore Dr located in Hyde Park, Illinois.

Hope to see you there! #allroadsleadthere!

You can also visit us at

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's Time to Forgive!

Have you ever been in a situation that seemed to leave you hopeless with no where to turn and no one to turn to?  Ever felt so mistreated, misused and abused you felt as if you wanted to explode?  Had so much anger and un-forgiveness you woke up mad at the world? Life's issues served to make you bitter not better and you were stuck living in the hurt of your past without a way out!  Have I got an answer for you!

FORGIVEN a new book sure to make the best seller list! It deals with issues such as teen pregnancy,  hopelessness, physical, sexual, emotional and verbal abuse.  These are issues that most people sweep under the rug and hope will just go awayBut they don't!  FORGIVEN shows a clear path to getting better and not bitter.  It shows us how to move forward and live our lives in the present not stuck in a grungy past! Join us at the Book Signing or purchase online. Just follow the link below.

Don't live another day in pain, holding unforgiveness and feeling stuck! FORGIVEN will show you how!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Have you ever been in a situation that seemed to leave you hopeless with no where to turn and no one to turn to?  Ever felt so mistreated, misused and abused you felt as if you wanted to explode?  Had so much anger and unforgiveness you woke up mad at the world? Life's issues served to make you bitter not better and you were stuck living in the hurt of your past without a way out!  Have I got an answer for you!

FORGIVEN a new book sure to make the best seller list! It deals with issues such as teen pregnancy, hopelessness, physical, sexual, emotional and verbal abuse.  Issues that most people sweep under the rug and hope will just go away. But they don't!  FORGIVEN shows a clear path to getting better and not bitter.  It shows us how to move forward and live our lives in the present not stuck in a grungy past! It will be coming soon to a bookstore near you and for online purchase!  Don't live another day in pain, holding unforgiveness and feeling stuck! FORGIVEN will show you how!

A Riveting story of a 14 year old pregnant and alone in the big city. Daughter of a preacher who had forgiven many but found it hard to forgive her!  Her story from tragedy to triumph! PRE-ORDER your copy!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Learn how to have a great marriage BEFORE THE WEDDING!

Check out @agreatlife2day's Tweet: