Friday, November 22, 2013

To Be or Not To Be????

My mother said to me, “If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general; if you become a monk, you’ll end up as the Pope.” Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.
Pablo Picasso
The greatest challenge here is to simply BEcome!  Doing is work but being is effortless!  We are human beings not human doings.  It takes no effort to be human.  It’s just who we are.  When you find your purpose in life being is the only option.  Take a moment and rest in the fact that you can do whatever you’d like if you work hard at it but to be or not to be, that is the question!

Ollie Anderson, ELI-MP

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Are You in Need of Roadside Assistance?

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will lead you there! ~Unknown

Coaching Assistance
Where are you going in life, love, relationships? How will you get there?  What roads will you travel and how long will the journey be?  What will you choose when you come to a fork in the road?
These are great questions to ask ourselves! The truth of the matter is, if you don’t know where you’re going, you won’t recognize your destination when you get there! This can be fatal to your future!
How would knowing the answers to these questions change your life forever?   What would reaching your goals and living your dreams really feel like?
images (9)
If you’re serious about following your dreams and blazing the trail to your future, there’s a great tool that will help you get there! It’s one of life’s’ best kept secrets! It’s called Life Coaching!
Allow me to introduce you to a whole new world, the world you’ve been dreaming of by partnering with you to pave the road to your future!
Together, we can make it happen! As a Transformational Expert, I will partner with you to get the results you’ve been looking for! Share with me where you want to go and together we’ll develop a plan to get you there.
Connect with me on my website.
Ollie Anderson, ELI-MP

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Will You Choose?

It is better to follow the voice within and be at war with the whole world than to follow the ways of the world and be at war with yourself! ~Michael Pastore

With so many decisions to make about life, I never want o make one that causes inner confusion.  The decisions we make are formed in our hearts and minds or both.  They are based on our past, what we believe, our values and our collective consciousness that is ingrained in our DNA. What we see in our lives today is the picture our decisions created on yesterday!
“You cannot make a mistake!”  When making decisions, we choose what we believe to be the best possible choice at any given time.  If this is how we decide, then the notion that we can not make a mistake rings true.
With this new information, we have more freedom to follow our heart and mind when making decisions.  This empowers us to make choices that are best for us, based on us and not the opinions of others! You choose!#sowhichbattlewillyoufight? 

Coach Ollie Anderson, ELI-MP
Published Author, Poet
Transformational Living Expert

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Just to Be Close to You - Marriage Really Was Made in Heaven!

  • marriage1Wanting to say “I DO” in your heart but your mind keeps saying “I DON”T?”

    Find out what you can do to create the marriage or relationship that resides in paradise and doesn’t just visit from time to time

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Can I Be Heard?

This blog was written by a close friend who allowed me to share this. I thought it was so powerful that everyone should be able to enjoy it!
Can I Be Heard? By Fadia Abdouni
August 28th, 2013
One of the most impactful statements I heard growing up was ” A woman is to be seen but not heard… A lady doesn’t express her opinion in public, especially if it contradicts what others are thinking”. I have always been a very sensitive and deep person, even as a child, my perceptions were broader than average but I didn’t feel I had the platform to be myself. I was shy and tried to be a wallflower as much as I could. I loved to read and all things that made me think about the Universe, its power and magic.
It was in the realm of knowledge that I thrived, being the studious one, the straight A student. It was the identity I created. And on this platform I pursued studies and pushed myself to excel. I wrote poetry as an outlet to what I had to say, they were for my eyes only, after all, who wanted to hear what I had to say? During my teens, as the duck turns into swan, the outside world perceptions about me changed, I was seen and much more seen than I wanted to. “You are pretty!” , “Thank you! Do you want to hear what I have to say?”. Now, I am a young woman: how do you want me to get married and share my life with another man if I don’t know who I am, I haven’t seen the world yet?? No, you can’t say that, but you can say I want to study more!
DSCN2714Moved to another country, yet another culture and ventured into a field where women are not welcomed. I’ve been told that many times during my training: I was not smart enough or good enough, none of it truth…. but I heard it and didn’t speak… instead I was told I had to be strong! How is a woman strong? Be like a man, think like a man! No sleep, no feelings, thick skin… be aggressive! “You didn’t pass the oral test because you wore a red shirt and a string of pearls, you have to be conservative, mute, don’t remind them you are a woman!”
Frankly, I am tired and done with these paradigms. I am done with the story of my life! I am a woman, and I have feelings, I am passionate and I will express myself! I don’t need to look and act like a man to be respected and heard! I will wear my feminine clothes, high heels and jewelry and be the girly girl that is in my nature and not feel like I am less than for choosing that. I will speak my truth every time I feel that I need to be heard, even if it means to loose the job, the friend, the love (or attention) of a man.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

It’s All Good!

I've found that the best remedy is to just give yourself permission to feel that moment.  The stress and the struggle come in when you try and convince yourself that you’re in a bad place and you need to move on.
The truth is, though you shouldn't park and turn the car off,
you can take the scenic route
no parking1
to your feelings!
hitch hiker Explore them, feel them and THEN let them go!  It was a part of your past.  It is a part of who you are but it doesn't have to accompany you to your destiny!  You can let it hitch hike, but determine how far you’re going to take it before you let it ride.  It’s all good!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Healing the Hurt… The Road to Recovery!

The pain you’re experiencing has you overwhelmed and making it hard to focus on anything else?
Join me for the Teleseminar that will help you start healing the hurt!
Healing the Hurt! The Key to Recovery….
Beside the benefit of healing the hurt, the Teleseminar is FREE!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:00 PM CST Click HERE to register!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

If Loving You is Wrong!

Last Chance to  register for

"If Loving You is


                 Single ladies teleseminar

Takes place tomorrow!

For details go to: 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Always the Bridesmaid Never the Bride!

Always the Bridesmaid Never the Bride!

Here’s your chance!

Join me for the teleseminar that will change your life forever!

A Great Life 2day presents
“If Loving You Is Wrong!…Preparing For Mr. Right Not Mr. Right Now!”  

Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 6:00 PM CST.  

Friday, August 9, 2013

Feeling the Pain of A Broken Heart?...

  • He broke your heart and now you're feeling the pain?  
  • Doing all you can just to keep from crying? 
  • Remembering what your smile looks like a challenge?


Meet me, Relationship Coach & Lovepreneur, on the 
teleseminar of the year! 
If Loving You Is Wrong... 
Preparing for Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now!

August 15,2013 at 6:00 PM  CST.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time is Running Out!

Calling all single ladies…Time is running out and space is limited! Act now or you’re going to be left out in the cold! Only 8 days and a few spaces left... REGISTER TODAY!
Building a lasting love relationship is as important as the air we breathe
and the water we drink! 
Join Relationship Coach and “Loveprenuer” Ollie Anderson for one of the most enlightening singles tele-seminar you’ll ever find!
If Loving You is Wrong… Preparing for Mr. Right and not Mr. Right Now!
August 15,2013 6:00 PM CST. You won’t want to miss it! Register today!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Discover the Keys to Building A Lasting Love Relationship!

Building a lasting love relationship is as important as the air we breathe 
and the water we drink! 
Join Relationship Coach and "Loveprenuer" Ollie Anderson for one of the most enlightening singles tele-seminar you'll ever find!  If Loving You is Wrong... Preparing for Mr. Right and not Mr. Right Now!

August 15,2013 6:00 PM CST. You won't want to miss it! Register today!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Discover the Secret to An Amazing Love Life!

Relationship Coach and “Lovepreneur” 
Ollie Anderson 
invites you to Join her for the teleseminar of the year!

This TeleSeminar will help you:

  • Discover what makes him “right for you!
  • Make the shifts that create a waiting list of possible mates wanting to get to know you!
  • Give you the confidence that you need to have the love and the life you dream about.

Click here to register!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Discover the Top 3 Things That Make Mr. Right Run for Cover!


Relationship Coach and "Lovepreneur" Ollie Anderson invites you to

Join her for the teleseminar of the year! 

If Loving You is Wrong… 

It is sure to:

  • Prepare you for Mr. Right and not Mr. Right Now!

  • Help you discover the top 3 things that make him run away!

  • Teach you how to make him run to you!

DATE: AUGUST 15, 2013          TIME: 6:00 PM (CST)


Click here to register


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Measure of Success!

“True success lies not in just being yourself or doing the best you can but knowing the two are the same!” ~ Bruce Schnieder

How do you define success?  Years ago my church had a theme, “This is the Year that I Do Well!”  This was a year of great challenges for me.  My business was suffering, I had gotten divorced, I was in the midst of losing my home and my car had already been repossessed!  ”This is the Year that I Do Well,” was not a part of my conversation.

To add insult to injury, I was chosen to speak on the theme for the church banquet.  I began to seek God as to what an unsuccessful person would tell people who were doing well about how to do well.

As I sought for an answer, God brought to my attention that my focus was all wrong.  I had a view of what success was that clearly did  not line up with my life or my beliefs.  There are thousands of people who are married, have careers, homes and cars and are public successes but private failures!  I learned that year that though it may appear on the outside that I was unsuccessful, i was a success in doing God’s will for my life!  I still helped people who were less fortunate.  I was available when needed by the church or others.  I prayed for people, and helped in any manner I could.  I was obedient to the call on my life and therefore, very successful!  I was not only being myself, but definitely doing the best I could.

If this is how you measure success, then kudos to you.  You are SUCCESSFUL!

Let's talk about your view of success! Contact me at the link below.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Set A Good Example

You are the first example of how the world gets to treat you! ~Lisa Nichols #showmehowtoloveyou!
Have you ever wished people would treat you better?  Ever thought to yourself, “I don’t deserve to be treated this way?” Or, “Why don’t people treat me the way I treat them!”  Has it ever occurred to you that you treat others better than you treat yourself?
And no, you don’t deserve to be treated that way!  However, the world takes its’ cue from us!  If you said yes to any of the questions above, I dare say,“RAISE THE BAR!”  What value have you placed on you, your time, your love and your life?
You have devalued yourself much too long! It’s time to reclaim the essence of who you are! Remember, people can only do to us what we allow.  There is a way to speak the truth in love and the first conversation you must have is with yourself!
Tell yourself, ” I am valuable! I am a blessing to the universe and anyone I come in contact with. The world is a better place because I am here!” Set a good example so the world to takes note!
If you want help being the best you you can be, contact me at the email address below for a FREE Life Purpose Coaching experience!
Your Life Purpose Expert

Monday, July 8, 2013

If You're Looking For Someone to Help You!

If You're Looking For Someone to Help You!

If you’re looking for someone to help you navigate the road to finding the perfect job, preparing you for the love of your life, develop your relationship into what you desire, getting fit, connecting spiritually, or just getting ready to encounter the next exciting phase in life, you’ve come to the right place! Connect with me at for a complimentary consultation. Life will never be the same!
I am a highly trained professional with a skill set to coach effectively on any aspect of life with a passion for the following areas: Relationship Intimacy & Conflict and Spiritual Coaching. Transition expert, experienced public andmotivational speaker, poet, published author. My goal is for all I come into a coaching relationship with to experience an optimal level of living!
In the mean time check out my e-book.  It’s a compilation of songs and poems that will titillate the mind and capture your heart and soul and give you strength to make it through some of life’s most trying times!  Follow the link below!

Monday, July 1, 2013

If You're Looking For Someone to Help You!

If you’re looking for someone to help you navigate the road to finding the perfect job, preparing you for the love of your life, develop your relationship into what you desire, getting fit, connecting spiritually, or just getting ready to encounter the next exciting phase in life, you’ve come to the right place! Connect with me at for a complimentary consultation. Life will never be the same!
I am a highly trained professional with a skill set to coach effectively on any aspect of life with a passion for the following areas: Relationship Intimacy & Conflict and Spiritual Coaching. Transition expert, experienced public andmotivational speaker, poet, published author. My goal is for all I come into a coaching relationship with to experience an optimal level of living!
In the mean time check out my e-book.  It’s a compilation of songs and poems that will titillate the mind and capture your heart and soul and give you strength to make it through some of life’s most trying times!  Follow the link below!

Friday, June 28, 2013

I Just Want to Be Loved!

You are the first example of how the world gets to treat you!~Lisa Nichols #showmehowtoloveyou!
Do you often find yourself at a place where you feel as though you are being mistreated or taken advantage of?  You seem to give of yourself freely but get no (ROI) return on your investments! 
My question to you would be what are you investing in yourself?  How are you treating you?  Does everyone and everything else take priority over you and what you need?  Do you feel like taking some time for yourself makes you selfish?
May I submit to you that people are only following your lead?  They are treating you like you treat you!
Need some help learning how to really love you and how to treat others to do the same, contact me for your complimentary coaching session.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Valuing Healthy Boundaries!

When you value your time, you value your yes enough to say no!~Lisa Nichols #needsomemetime!

Have you learned the value of healthy boundaries?  What does your day look like?  Is it filled with all the things you do for others while your "to do" list is far from complete?

If you have a heart to help, it's only natural to find it difficult to say no.  However if you find yourself frustrated because you're doing for others and you don't have time for yourself, boundaries need to be examined!

Believe it or not, it's healthy to have some boundaries to help you respect your time.  Do a little soul searching and find out why you find it so hard to say no!

If you need some help learning how to set healthy boundaries, contact me and start to live a great life 2day!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

All is Well in My World!

This is the title of my new e-book.  It is a compilation of songs and poetry that I have written over the years.  I am sure it will inspire you in your relationships with yourself, God and others!  Take a moment and check it out.  Life as you know it will never be the same!

My career as a Life Purpose Coach with a focus on Spiritual and Relationship coaching is what inspired me to follow my lifelong dream of sharing my expressions of love with the world.  I believe God has given me a voice as well as given me those of you who will listen.  My desire is to die EMPTY! I want to empty myself of all God has given me to release into the atmosphere and hope that it inspires others to do the same! #beinspired!

Click on the link below to check out the book.  You won't be disappointed!
All is Well in My World; My Gift to you!

You can also contact me if you need a Life Coach to help you navigate your dreams and desires!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Man In the Mirror

Our lives are a reflection of the choices we've made.  You have the power to change what you see! #Maninthemirror!
Michael Jackson said it like this, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways and no message could have been any clearer, If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make  a change!"
This philosophy also works making YOUR world a better place as well!  What choices can you make, moving forward, that will make the image your life reflects look more like what you envisioned your life to be?   Make the choice to have a great life 2day!
Let's talk about it! Contact me!

Friday, June 14, 2013

You - Your Most Valuable Commodity!

Quote of the day: "When you value yourself, the world follows suit!" ~ Lisa Nichols #what'sinyourwallet?

Have you ever stopped to think about your value?  If you were worth gold how much would that be? Would inflation drive your value down or would you be a rising force within the world you live in?
We often fail to see how valuable we are to ourselves and others!  People attempt to commit suicide because they don't see the value in their lives.  The truth of the matter is this, we are all valuable and have a place in the world! We are all unique and no one can be you, but YOU!
There's a song by Hezekiah Walker that says, "I need you to survive!" For me, that means that in order for me to survive, you have to survive as well.  It also means, that I have a need, a want and a desire you to make it, to survive! If you survive, I gain strength.
If we are all aware that we need each other and that we have a strong inner need for them to make it, the world would be more kind, loving and compassionate place to inhabit!
So, what's in your life's wallet? What do you think you're really worth?  Well, take that and multiply it by a million because you're worth that and much more to me! I NEED YOU TO SURVIVE!
Contact me for your FREE Guide to survival!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Are You Detail Oriented?

“I want to know Gods thoughts… the rest are details!” ~ Einstein   #what’sonyourmind?

What is consuming your thoughts?  Are you consumed with the cares of this world or have you decided to “let this mind be in you?”

When we choose to have the thoughts of God, everything else is secondary.  Nothing is able to take FULL residence in our mind!  Serve an eviction notice to the things that have crowded your mind that have no relevance to your future…. after all, they’re only details!

Contact me for your FREE guide on 
“The Mind, It’s A Terrible Thing to Waste!”

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Greatest Gift of All

Quote of the day:One of the greatest gift we can give to the world is learning to love ourselves so that we can love others better!~Ollie Anderson #loveiscontagiousinfectme!
When I learn to love myself I experience all the joy that loving me entails. This allows me to share that joy with you. I learn that by loving me, I am capable of loving you more! This kind of love is contagious and spreads rapidly! Spread a little love today!
Contact me for your FREE guide to Learning to Love Yourself!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Empty From Giving to Others?

Quote of the day: "If you take the time to refuel yourself, you serve others from a place of abundance and overflow!" ~Lisa Nichols #fillmycuptilitoverflows!
Life got you drained? You've given so much of yourself there doesn't seem to be any left for you? Sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget what living is all about!
When was the last time you took time for yourself?  When was the last time you went to the spa, took a leisurely walk in the park, took a hot bath or gave yourself a mani-pedi? What does rest and relaxation look like to you or are they so distant they're just vague memories?
Boy have I got the solution for you!  Brace yourself! 
This might just take you by storm!... 

Try the coach approach!

Contact me  and start to live a better life today!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

How Do You View Your World?

"We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are." ~Anais Nin 

#Optical Illusion! 

When we look at our view the world, it is framed by our culture, our environment, our beliefs and our character.  This is why two people can have the same experience but two totally different outcomes or points of view.  

Relationship coaching helps you to view yourself differently, therefore, you picture, the world, (your world) and the people in it in a different light.  With this elevation of thought, there is a higher level of communication which results in a greater life today!

Just this blog alone changed my energy level.  I'll bet it did the same for you too.  Want to experience more? Then, contact me for a FREE consultation and start living your great life today!
A Great Life 2day!